This is an EBOOK a beautiful way to experience God’s word that truly will come alive in this EBOOK. Beautiful images that come to life and bible verses that literally changed Fay’s life through a difficult time in her own life -You will read testimonies of a powerful miracle and visions that she has experienced, Fay’s hope is that these scriptures will come alive in you as they did in her, there is also an video Book version with moving bible verses and images that will captivate you, available on her website
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Product Details
Author : Fay Brizzi
Publication date : November 3, 2021
Language : English
File size : 16148 KB
Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Not Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Not Enabled
Lending : Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #888,739 in Kindle Store

As an aspiring poet, Allen’s wordsmith skills shine through. He reviews and discusses poetry collections, celebrating the power of verse in our lives.