I recently had the chance to read "Knowing With Purpose" by Heather Rhone, and I absolutely loved it. As someone who often spends idle time in their b…
The author wondered at age ten whether Einstein or Buddha was a better role model for life and work. Twenty-two years later, she quit her stressful jo…
Embark on a transformative journey with "Bridging Hearts: Understanding, Strengthening, and Sustaining Marriage." This profound exploration of matrimo…
Here you will read a story about the extreme pleasure of a young man who enjoyed science and loved the study of animals. The account is written as fic…
Finding God in Abandoned Places is a collection of Christian short stories, largely inspired by a desire to recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit,…
Dear You… Dear You… do you know that you are a royal priesthood? 1 Peter 2:9 Dear You… do you know that you are chosen for such a time as this? Esther…
An emotional story interwoven with the logical and illogical; obsession and indifference; fantasy and reality. A conundrum of unfamiliar and inexplica…
This beautifully-written inspirational novel delves deep into the repercussions of revenge – how one callous act can change the lives of so many. How …
Phil Mitchell travels to Ireland and discovers the hidden living spring of life. The book is full of quotes and reflections as he reflects on his heri…