Journey to the magical world of Tar Ebon as a group of heroes faces off against an assassin’s guild to save the world.


Check Out What Readers Said about Kindle/eBook!

“I read books across all genres. Fantasy isn’t normally high on my list, but Mr. Edmondson captured my attention with his descriptions of Tar E’bon and his characters. I could picture the assassins, thieves, knights, mages and druids. I had to keep turning the pages to see what would happen to the group of four companions. I think my personal favorite was Alivia.

I found this book easy to follow, with characters easy to keep straight yet not boring in the least. By the end I was wishing there was more. I look forward to book 2 with anticipation! ” By Reader913

“Great story, I could hardly put it down. While reading the first few chapters, I really wanted to know more about what happened in the characters lives before hand. I had felt that the story began in the middle of a situation that I did not know enough about. I loved the ending because it revealed to me why the book started as it did. Nice twist :).

I am looking forward to reading Time of Shadows next! ” By Marvin

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Product Details:

Author: Dayne Edmondson
Kindle Price:
File Size: 2914 KB
Print Length: 228 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Dark Star Publishing (August 18, 2013)
Publication Date: August 18, 2013
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #7,146 Free in Kindle Store