Average Rating of 4.9 out of 5 Start on Amazon.

Building Communities of Hope is a guide for those of us who want positive change in our lives. The book helps us to reach our sweet spot for how to make friends, influence others, and lead. The book is called “a must-read,” and a “powerful tool,” that is inspirational, motivational, and practical. One reader recommends it as “a breath of fresh air.”

The author says: “Every single thing we do makes a difference. Our work together builds over time, and creates positive change that can be unstoppable! That’s because every single act of kindness, compassion, love, shared action, advocacy, and justice has ripple effects. This is how we make lasting, positive changes in our lives and the lives of others.

The US Review of Books Editorial Review states that “Building hope is both individual and collective. Egan outlines multiple ways to get started and how to maintain hope and practice gratitude.” The author had “a conversational and engaging tone that makes her book a cozy read.”

Anne Cover

Building Communities of Hope shares how people from many walks of life bring positive changes to their lives and those around them. The book is full of stories about these interesting people along with reflections on suffering, life’s challenges, gratitude, and hope. Settings include many states in the US, as well as a number of countries around the world.

The Literary Titan 5-Star Review says the book is “an inspiring guide that serves as a beacon of hope and motivation to transform ourselves and bring positive change. The author’s brilliance shines through in this masterpiece, which is sure to help and motivate generations to come.”

Why Read This Book Now? This book helps all of us to:

  • Believe in ourselves.
    • Take steps to improve our lives.
    • Address challenges and break through barriers.
    • Build hope that’s our own – that’s practical and works for us.
    • Strengthen our personal purpose and power.
    • Win friends, influence, lead, and support others.
    • Be a force for positive change in our communities.

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Product Details

Author: Rev. Dr. Anne Hays Egan
Kindle: $0.00
Paperback: $15.99
Publication Date: ‎August 4, 2020
Language: ‎English
File Size: ‎3279 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: ‎Unlimited
Text-to-Speech: ‎Enabled
Screen Reader: ‎Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: ‎Enabled
X-Ray: ‎Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Sticky Notes: ‎On Kindle Scribe
Print Length: ‎235 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: ‎1952681006
Best Sellers Rank: #603,153 in Kindle Store