The City of the Light, once connected to Earth by the Star of Christmas, lays in ruin. The King, Kris Kringle, wanes and the Elves, once so plentiful, are all but gone. Darkstars, the evil Queen’s flying dreadnaughts, manned by Goblins and supported by vicious Bogeybats, now prowl what had been the tranquil skies of Erradu; forcing all, from the enchanted forest of Jaden to Nobela in the Land of Lions, to live under constant threat of attack. Still, there exist within the heart of the old King a belief that from the city of men a champion will rise to vanquish the dark and keep safe the light—a great warrior who will return hope to the children of Earth and restore peace throughout the land.
This then is the story of Windel. A young man from Detroit who is not a great warrior, nor would many consider him to be a champion, but as you shall see, it’s often the small in stature but big in heart that fate uses to confound the mighty.Windel

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Product Details

Author: David E. Kinney
Publication Date :
February 24, 2020
File Size : 3549 KB
Word Wise : Enabled
Print Length : 409 pages
ASIN : B0855KP78F
Language: : English
Lending : Enabled
Simultaneous Device Usage : Unlimited
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled
Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #2,999,222 in Kindle Store