A collection of 50 creeping horror stories that dig deep into your mind and won’t let go. These are unconnected tales that will unsettle and horrify, reaching beyond common tropes as different narrators pull you into their nightmarish situations and malevolent minds.

Here are the reviews from the advance reader copies:

“Fresh, bizarre, horrifying” ★★★★★

I was so entertained by this book. The author had a great many new notions and surprising, horrifying twists.
The stories vary greatly by the kind of horror and other emotions it conveys, but the author manages to skillfully wrap up each and every plot very well.
I have not in a long time read so many different stories that each left me spooked, entertained and wanting for more.

“Out of 50 short stories, I was hoping for 20% of ‘Good’ and 80% of ‘OK’ reads, but was pleasantly surprised with several ‘Awesome’ and plenty of ‘Can’t stop reading'” ★★★★★

Mr. Michael Squid writes very well, stories are easy to dive in to and he often succeeds in creating a genuinely surprising twist. I have always liked horror and science-fiction short stories and I am very happy to add this writer to my short list of favorites along with Joe Hill, Stephen King and Isaac Asimov. All of these have managed to write stories that have stuck in my mind for decades in some cases. “The Strainer” and “The Unfolding Room” from this compilation are definitely worth a reading.

“Thoroughly Enjoyed” ★★★★½

I love horror, but lately I’ve found myself short of time. I was recommended to Nosleep for quick fixes where I quickly found a link to this short story collection – exactly what I needed. Bite-sized horror for a busy individual.Light Stops Dead

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Product Details

Author: Mr. Michael Squid
File Size:
3115 KB
Print Length: 220 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1726629074
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: September 30, 2018
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #600,558 Paid in Kindle Store