I’m g??ng to ???um? that ?t some ???nt dur?ng ??ur life, ??u’v? h?d th? opportunity t? tr? ??nd? floss, cotton ??nd?, fairy floss, ?r wh?t?v?r ??u h????n t? ??ll it ?n your l???l d??l??t. “Sug?r ???d?r”? Sug?r spun ?nt? ?tr?nd? ?? thin, that ?t turn? ??ft and fluffy, and ?t dissolves ?nt? n?th?ng th? moment ??u put ?t on ??ur t?ngu?. … N?w ??u d?n’t m?nd ?b?ut th? ??nd? floss. Y?u th?nk th?t a ??nd? fl??? w?ll n?v?r h?l? ??u t? marry a r??h m?n, t? buy a gr??t m?n???n ?r to g?t THE j?b… M?k? an effort ?nd r?m?mb?r wh?t h????n?d ?n ??ur m?uth and in ??ur head wh?n ??u tr? ??t?ng a t??t? ??nd? fl??? …

Wh?t ?? ?? ?m??rt?nt about ??ur mindset ?? that ?t defines ??ur ?nt?r? w?rld. It b???m?? your r??l?t?. But b???u?? the mindset ?? so ??w?rful, when ??u f?n?ll? ?nd u? ?h?ng?ng it, ??u l?t?r?ll? ?t?? ?nt? a wh?l? new w?rld. A whole n?w r??l?t? th?t ??u never kn?w ?x??t?d! It was r?ght th?r? b?f?r? ??ur eyes th? wh?l? time, but ??ur m?nd??t m?d? ?t ?? that you couldn’t ??? ?t. Th? ?m?????bl? ?udd?nl? becomes the ?r?b?bl? ?nd wh?t w?? t?b?? can turn into th? n?w n?rm…

In her latest book, Céline Schmink, a french renowned author, artist and journalist in the field of self-developement explains why p???t?v? th?nk?ng ??n’t ju?t a soft ?nd fluff? feel–good t?rm like tasty candy floss… She has helped a great number of people, with clarity and simplicity. So let’s go for a tasty candy floss !


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Product Details

Author: Céline Schmink
Format :
Format Kindle
Taille du fichier : 2088 KB
Nombre de pages de l’édition imprimée : 57 pages
Editeur : Tender Home Publishing (27 janvier 2017)
Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
Langue : Anglais
Synthèse vocale : Activée
X-Ray : Non activée
Word Wise: Non activé
Lecteur d’écran : Pris en charge
Composition améliorée: Activé