Do you suffer from depression?
Are you sometimes overwhelmed with negative emotions?
Have you considered suicide sometime in the last 12 months?
Or maybe things are not so bad. Maybe you are, overall, a happy person – but sometimes you find yourself feeling down and out and you want a practical way to get back up again.

No matter what your personal situation is, the practical 5 step system I explain in this Kindle will help you experience more joy, passion, and bliss. The specific morning ritual I explain here will bring more happiness into your life. That is the starting point of happiness; having a simple and effective morning ritual that makes you feel good. A morning ritual that enhances your happiness and neutralizes negative emotions.

And here is something you should know: EVERYBODY needs a morning ritual that enhances their happiness because nobody is immune from negative emotions. Nobody is safe. Negative emotions afflict the rich and the poor. Men and women. The super-rich and famous and the poor alike. Everybody is prone to suffer from depression or anxiety at one time or another.

Recent developments (I wrote this during the COVID-19 pandemic) have revealed another important reason why we MUST work on being happy and positive: we must build our reserves of positivity and optimism to be emotionally ready in times of crisis. The resulting happiness will act as an insurance policy that we can cash in during a national crisis (like the Coronavirus) or during any type of national or international emergency.

So if you are ready to learn the secrets of the 5 step Happiness Habit (to be happy NOW and over the long term), I suggest you purchase this Kindle RIGHT NOW!

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The Happiness Habit

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Product Details

Author : Anthony Alexander
File Size :
5415 KB
Publication Date : September 3, 2020
Language: : English
Word Wise : Enabled
Print Length : 316 pages
Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled
Simultaneous Device Usage : Unlimited
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Lending : Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #323,461 in Kindle Store