- Nothing is as it used to be for the Black Dagger Brotherhood. After avoiding war with the Shadows, alliances have shifted and lines have been drawn. The slayers of the Lessening Society are stronger than ever, preying on human weakness to acquire more money, more weapons, more power. But as the Brotherhood readies for an all-out attack on them, one of their own fights a battle within himself…
- For Rhage, the Brother with the biggest appetites, but also the biggest heart, life was supposed to be perfect—or at the very least, perfectly enjoyable. Mary, his beloved shellan, is by his side and his King and his brothers are thriving. But Rhage can’t understand—or control—the panic and insecurity that plague him…
- And that terrifies him—as well as distances him from his mate. After suffering mortal injury in battle, Rhage must reassess his priorities—and the answer, when it comes to him, rocks his world…and Mary’s. But Mary is on a journey of her own, one that will either bring them closer together or cause a split that neither will recover from…
Check Out What Readers Said about Kindle/eBook!
“Rhage and Mary (and the dragon) have always been my favorite couple in this series, so re-visiting them was great. I was surprised that the prospect of not having kids affected Rhage so much, but the outcome was wonderful. As for the Virgin Scribe – things had changed so much, maybe it affected her more than anyone realised? Now I’m wondering who will take her place! And now I’m wondering about Doc Jane and Vishous – will we gate a side story of them, too? It seems like it might be heading down that road. I really like connecting with these characters again and hope we see more of them.” By Aussie
“J R Ward doesn’t disappoint. I love this entire series and all of the brothers and their shellans. Rhage is such a dynamic guy and Mary is such a sweetheart. They deserved a second book and it was an absolute joy to read. Highly recommend this to anyone who loves the brotherhood, vampires, and like Rhage, knows sometimes a little ice cream makes everything better.” By Stefanie Kazimer
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Product Details
Kindle Price: Hardcover $18.86, Paperback from $16.18
Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood (Book 14)
Hardcover: 528 pages
Publisher: NAL (April 5, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 045147516X
ISBN-13: 978-0451475169
Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 1.6 x 9.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,497 in Books

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