This book tells the story of racism through the eyes of a young African-American girl, DaNyla, and her experiences with racism as she witnesses her cousin involved in police brutality and she tries to understand why racism exists. She talks to her Mom, and her History Teacher about racism to better understand where it evolved, then she prays about it and decides to continue to dream and hope for change for a better tomorrow as she still continues to fight for what’s right peacefully all while still loving her family and her multicultural friends.

This story will teach all ages, genders and nationalities about racism and it seeks to inspire us all to unite and love one another despite the color of our skin.

Website: Don't Like Racism

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Product Details

Author: Tymeka Coney
Publication Date :
October 20, 2020
Publisher : Tymeka Coney (October 20, 2020)
Word Wise : Not Enabled
Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
Enhanced Typesetting : Not Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Language: : English
Lending : Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #6,211,752 in Kindle Store